Thursday, August 13, 2009

Love affair with August

Despite the humid stickiness, August is a definite contender for my favorite month of the year. I love the way the Philadelphia suburbs empty as families head to New England or North Carolina for vacation. I usually go up to my grandparents' house in north Jersey the first week of the month to celebrate my fabulous grandmother's birthday.
This year, I extended my trip into a visit to Brooklyn. It's quite lovely getting to the age where you have friends who live all over. It's my sole comfort in getting older and having more responsibility.
We spent three days eating, drinking, and basking in New York's incredible energy. We hung out with some fashionable people (even bumped into Mischa Barton on the street) and painstakingly planned every detail of our future. Which, of course, included neighboring Manhattan apartments, joint family vacations to the Hamptons, and all around perfection.

The final week of August is my most favorite. I finally move back to school and am reunited with my friends and the city of Pittsburgh (I swear, there's more to do there than you think) but class and obligations haven't set in. We enjoy a blissfully irresponsible week of socializing and relaxing. It's wonderful.

To keep me tied over until that week is the crown jewel of August: September issue season. I faintly resemble a toddler on Christmas when I head to the newsstands in the balmy month. I love when the glossy page counts double and are packed with outfit inspiration.

I picked up a copy of Marie Claire while I was waiting for my train home from New York last week. I'm helplessly receptive to anything with an Olsen twin on it.
August symbolizes a time of transition. And because I'm the type of person who constantly needs change, that's just my type of month. August is about reunion, relaxation, and justifiable spending on your new fall wardrobe. Who could ask for more?

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