Sunday, January 3, 2010

Good News/Bad News

The Bad News: I spilled super glue all over my hand. Like, a ton. I felt like I was peeling away my fingerprints, but its finally all gone.

The Good News: Miraculously, despite dousing my hand in nail polish remover to get the glue off, I didn't ruin my manicure! So cute and cheery for winter, no?
Chanel Orange Fizz--my mamacita got it for me for Christmas.

The Even Better News: Upon surviving the little glue situation, I successfully spruced up a pair of old boots. I glued studs to strips of leather I cut from my old pair of over-the-knee boots, then sewed them around the ankles of a pair of suede boots I haven't worn in forever. Total cost? $5. Unbeatable, considering all the studded boots I wanted were waaaay more than that.

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